City of York Council (Logo)


Health, Housing and Adult Social Care Scrutiny

Meeting date:


Report of:

Director of Adult Safeguarding

Portfolio of:

Executive Member for Health, Wellbeing and Adult Social Care

Health, Housing and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Report: Adult Social Care Strategy

Subject of Report


1.           This paper sets out work to date towards the creation of the Adult Social Care Strategy (Annex A) and intended further work. The paper summarises the content of the draft strategy, its key themes, ambition and approach to the delivery of adult social care.

2.           Members of the committee are asked to offer their input to the draft strategy and its development.

Policy Basis


3.           This strategy sets out our current challenges and ambitions, and the ways in which we will deliver Adult Social Care services that make a real difference to the lives of those who live in York.


4.           The strategy is intended to be an integral part of the delivery of the wider Council Plan commitments of a healthier, fairer, more affordable, more sustainable and more accessible city where everyone feels valued.


5.           It sets out our ambition that people in York who have care and support needs should have the best possible quality of life, with the opportunity to make choices and engage with those things that are most important to them and make their lives worthwhile.


6.           The strategy sets out our vision, the commitments that come from this and our approach to delivery, recognising that our greatest assets to help achieve this are our workforce, people and communities in York.


7.           The strategy is focussed around 8 key themes. These describe our approach and how we will deliver against the themes, and the supporting activity required to make it a success.


8.           These themes have been identified as crucial to enabling adult social care to deliver against the vision that York is a place where we recognise the unique strengths of individuals and communities. We support people to live happier, healthier, longer and more independent lives, reducing inequalities. We work in partnership to provide support at home that is accessible, affordable, safe, high quality, and promotes fairness and independence.


9.           Each theme is followed by a set of statements which are the ambitions that we will work towards and a description of how this approach supports our assurance through the new Care Quality Commission assurance framework.


These key themes are:

a)           A focus on communities and individual strengths

b)           Delivery of high-quality flexible support

c)           A strengths-based practice model.

d)           Safe and equitable services

e)           A supported and valued workforce

f)             The use of data and intelligence

g)           Strong partnerships across all sectors

h)           Effective management of resources and budget


Recommendation and Reasons


10.       The committee are asked to support the development of the Adult Social Care Strategy through the following opportunities:


a)   Option 1: The committee members to receive regular updates on the development of the strategy with the opportunity to input into its development and on-going evaluation, and


b)   Option 2: Receive the Adult Social Care Strategy once this has been completed.


11.       The Health, Housing and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Committee is asked to receive regular updates on the development of the strategy with the opportunity to input into its development.


Reason:   To keep the Committee updated on the development of the Adult Social Care Strategy.




12.       This report presents an early draft of the strategy and a request for formative feedback.  

13.       In developing the strategy, Adult Social Care are taking the approach that it should be based on an understanding of best practice in the sector; and drafted with opportunities for input from the whole department, the council, wider partnerships, and the care sector and that in its evolution it is developed by a wide range of stakeholders.

14.       The Improvement team within the department have been working with the National Development Team for Improvement on early stages and have now produced the first draft of the strategy.

15.       To date this work has included reviewing key strategies and plans within the department, council and its wider partnerships to ensure that the overarching strategy is consistent with and grows from this work and is based on the needs and aspirations of our population. Key staff across the directorate have collaborated to produce this current draft.

16.       The Adult Social Care Improvement team are developing planned engagement more widely with all staff, people with lived experience and partners to enable the full development and completion of the strategy.


Consultation Analysis


17.       Please refer to background section prior.





Council Plan


18.        The Strategy supports the delivery of the wider Council Plan commitments of a healthier, fairer, more affordable, more sustainable and more accessible city where everyone feels valued.




19.        Relevant implications will be identified for the committee during the ongoing development of the strategy. The recommendation that the committee ‘receive regular updates on the development of strategy with the opportunity to input into its development’ is intended to support this process.


Risks and Mitigations


20.       The development of the Adult Social Strategy better enables the council’s approach to securing better outcomes and improving the quality of life for its citizens, managing resources well, meeting its statutory duties and providing assurance to the regulator. The recommendation that the committee ‘receive regular updates on the development of strategy with the opportunity to input into its development’ is intended to support this process and mitigate risks in these areas.


Wards Impacted


21.        All wards impacted.


Contact details


For further information please contact the authors of this Report.




Michael Melvin

Job Title:

Director of Adult Safeguarding

Service Area:

Adult Social Care



Report approved:




Background papers

Please refer to Annex A.


Annex A: Draft Adult Social Care Strategy 2024/2025